
Surf Fit Program

Last Updated: October 11, 2023
Table of Contents

Follow our Surf Fit Program for 1-2 weeks before your Surf Camp experience with LMBK to improve your mobility, core strength, balance, coordination and pop up.

We will also be running this workout with an experienced instructor every Tuesday which is included in your surf and stay package with LMBK.

All these exercises and stretches are designed to translate to better surfing in the water and don’t require any equipment. Whether you’re a beginner surfer or advanced, you’ll get something out of this 30-minute workout that you can come back to again and again.

This workout is split into two parts.

Part 1

Part 2

The first is focused on warming up the body, improving mobility and activating muscles.

The second part is focused on dynamic combination movements that will improve your mobility, strength, coordination, balance and pop up.




Start by kneeling and resting your bottom on your ankles, toes fully stretched out, so they are pointing away from the body.

Move each foot to the side, away from the body so that each foot is laying on the floor next to your quad. Place hands behind you for support and lean as far back as you can, without overstretching.

If you can bring your back to the floor, great! If not, just go as far as is comfortable. You can also sit on a yoga block/cushion if you feel any pain in your hips or knees.

Give yourselves about 30 second here, trying to sink a little deeper with each exhale.


Wrists (1)

Come to your hands and knees, with your hands placed on the ground about shoulder width apart, fingers facing away from the body.

Rock back and forth 10 times, bringing your shoulders slightly in front of your hands and then slightly behind.

Keep your palms in contact with the ground the whole time.

Keeping your hands in place, make circles with your shoulders around your wrists, again keeping your palms pressed into the ground.

Do 10 circles in a clockwise direction, then 10 in an anticlockwise direction.

Wrists (3)

Flip your hands, so your fingers are pointing towards your body, and your palms are facing up, knuckles on the ground.

Rock back and forth 10 times here, bring your shoulders slightly in front, and behind your wrists.


Shoulders and Spine (1)
Shoulders and Spine (2)
Shoulders and Spine (3)
Shoulders and Spine (4)

Still on your hands and knees, bring your hands back to the starting position.

Fingers pointing away from the body, palms facing down.

Keeping arms still, and without bending the elbows, roll your spine through the shoulder joint in a circular motion.

Do this by first decompressing the spine so it sinks towards the ground and shoulder blades are sticking out.

Begin to move your chest forward then curve your spine up through the shoulder blades with a rounded back before bringing your spine back down towards the ground in a fluid, circular movement.

Repeat this 10 times then change direction so that when your spine is curved towards the ground, you move back to towards your bottom before rounding your back, shifting your weight towards your head, and sinking back down again.

Repeat this direction 10 times.

Come back to a neutral spine on your hands and knees.

Again, keep arms still and don’t bend your elbows. Sink your spine towards the ground so your shoulder blades are sticking out.

From this position, activate your lats and push into the ground.

Bring your spine up through the shoulder blades with a rounded back.

Imagine a push up on your knees, but instead of bringing the body down with the arms, keep your arms still and just come up and down through your shoulder blades with arms locked in place.

Repeat this 10 times.

Come down into a cobra position.
Lie down, frontside to the ground.
Place your hands on either side of your chest and press up.

Shoulders and Spine (5)

Legs are straight pointing behind you and chest is curved up towards the sky.

Keeping palms pressed into the ground, twist your spine slightly and look to the right.

Hold for 10 seconds.

Then change sides, looking to the left.

Shoulders and Spine (6)


Hips and Hamstrings surf exercises 1
Downward Dog Pose
Hips and Hamstrings surf exercises 2

Come into downward dog, pressing palms into the ground.

Lift your right leg and press it to the sky.

While raised, bend your knee to a 90-degree angle and point it to your left side to open up your hip.

Shift your weight forward, bring your right knee into your chest and step your foot onto the outside of your right hand.

Keep your back knee elevated off the ground.

Hips and Hamstrings surf exercises 3
Hips and Hamstrings surf exercises 4

With your left hand still pressing into the ground, bring your right elbow as close to the ground as possible.

Then twist your spine, bringing your right arm up towards the sky and looking up at your right hand.

Bring your elbow back down towards the ground and repeat 5 times.

Hips and Hamstrings surf exercises 5
Hips and Hamstrings surf exercises 6

Bring your back knee down to the ground and come into a half position on one knee.

Open up the hips by shifting your weight forward onto your front knee, keeping you knee pressed out slight to the side.

Pulse back and forth for 10.

Hips and Hamstrings surf exercises 7

Still in this kneeling position with your left hand pick up your left foot behind you and press it towards the body, stretching out the quad.

Hold for 10.

Hips and Hamstrings surf exercises 8

Release the back foot and sit back onto you left foot, straightening out the right leg.

Reach for your toes, keeping your knee locked out, stretching the hamstring.

Hold for 10.

Hips and Hamstrings surf exercises 9
Come back into downward dog and repeat the same cycle of exercises on the other side.

Come to standing and then sink down into a deep squat. Try and keep your heels pressed into the ground, and sink your hips all the way down, so your bottom is almost touching the ground.

If you don’t have the mobility to do this, raise your heels slightly.

Hold for 10.

Hips and Hamstrings surf exercises 10
Deep Squat Pose

Staying in the deep squat, take your right hand and hold on to your left ankle. Bring your left arm up towards the sky, looking up at your hand then bring it back down.

Repeat this 10 times.

Hips and Hamstrings surf exercises 11

Take your left hand and hold on to your right ankle and repeat on this side.

Back in your deep squat position, come up onto your toes on the left leg, then bring your left knee to the ground so that it points towards the right side of the body.

Come back up and repeat on the other side, bringing the right knee to the ground.

Repeat 10 times.

Hips and Hamstrings surf exercises 12
Hips and Hamstrings surf exercises 13


Full Body Flow 1
Full Body Flow 2

Sit with your bottom on the ground.

Bring your right leg out in front and bend your knee to a 90-degree angle so that the bottom of your right foot is facing to the left side of the body.

With your left leg out to the side, also bend your knee to a right angle, so the bottom of your foot is facing behind you.

Place your hands behind you for support.

Both knees should be pointing in the same direction.

Bring your knees up and rotate them to the other side so knees are facing the other way. Repeat this rotation 10 times.

Full Body Flow 3
Full Body Flow 4

Sit in the same position with your knees bent at 90-degrees.

This time when you rotate to the left, bring your chest down to your left knee and reach your hands onto the ground.

Do the same on the right side. Repeat 10 times.

Full Body Flow 5

Come back to your seated position with knees bent at 90-degrees.

Rotate to the left.

This time bring your right leg straight in front of you.

With your left leg still bent lift your bottom up and hip thrust forward, planting your right foot on the ground, and thrusting your right hip slightly forward.

Slowly, and with control, bring your bottom back down the ground.

Swing your right leg back to the 90-degree position.

Rotate so your knees are pointing the other direction and repeat the same movement on this side.

Repeat this motion 10 times.

Full Body Flow 6

Come back to your seated position, with your left leg bent at 90-degrees.

Bring you right leg straight in front of you, toes pointed to the sky.

Place your hand on the ground for support if you need it.

Keeping your leg straight, bring your right foot as far off the ground as you can.

Pulse it up and down for 10.

Then hold it as high as you can for 10 seconds.

Bring your right leg down and place it back into the 90-degree position.

With your left leg, still at 90-degrees, raise your left foot off the ground and pules for 10, bending at the knee so that your left quad stays on the ground.

Hold your left foot elevated and 10.

Full Body Flow 7
Repeat the same movements on the other side.


Back Activation (1)

Lay on the ground, facing down. Lift your chest slightly off the ground and activate lats but pushing the shoulder blades back towards your bottom.

Take your arms above your head with your palms facing towards each other.

Pulse up towards the sky and back down to the floor 10 times then lift and hold for 10.

Back Activation (2)

Bring your arms out to your side so they are in a ‘T’ position.

Face your palms towards your head. Pulse up and down for 10 then hold for 10.

Bring your arms to around 45 degrees from the body so they are in a reversed ‘Y’ position. Keep your palms facing towards your head (not towards the ground).

Pulse up and down for 10 then lift and hold for 10.

Take a short break then repeat these movements 3 times.


Find yourself a nice flat service that stretches around 7-8m.

It can be in a gym, in your house, at a beach or outside on the grass.

If you don’t have enough space, you can also do these exercises on the spot by resetting after each rep.


Straight Legged Hamstring Walk and Reach surfing exercise

Keeping your legs locked out, take small steps forward (about 1 foots length).

With each step place your weight in your heels and reach down as far to the ground as you can, stretching your hamstrings.

Walk one length then turn around and walk back with the same exercise.

If doing this movement in a smaller space, take 30-40 steps in total.


Squat and pivot 1

Back at your starting position stand facing one side, with your feet about hip width apart.

Come down into a squat. As you stand tall, place the weight in the ball of your front foot, lifting your heel.

Pivot your foot and rotate 180-degrees on your front side so you’re now facing the opposite side and squatting.

Squat and pivot 2
Squat and pivot 3

Repeat the movement down one length of the room.

On the way back, perform the same movement but rotating the other way, on your backside.

You’ll need to think about your landing and focus on your balance a bit more when doing this movement in reverse.


High Knee to Lunge with Twist (1)

Standing facing forward bring your arms straight out in front of you and press your palms together.

Bring your right knee up into your chest, then place it forward in front of you coming into a forward lunge.

Keep your left knee just above the ground and your front leg bent at a 90-degree angle.

High Knee to Lunge with Twist (2)

Hold in that lunge position and keeping your palms pressed together, rotate your arms all the way to the right and then all the way to the left.

Shift your weight into your front foot and as you lift your back leg bring your knee up towards your chest before placing it in front of you and repeating this movement alternating sides.

Do this for one length of the room.

High Knee to Lunge with Twist (3)

On the way back, face the same way that you came, so that you’re lunging backwards.

Bring your knee up to your chest before shooting it back into a reverse lunge position.

With your arms pressed in front of you, rotate each side.

As you come back to your central position, put your weight in your back foot, and press up through your front foot bringing it up to your chest.

This will be a bit harder to balance, so shorten your lunge stride to make it more stable.

High Knee to Lunge with Twist (4)

Repeat the movement down one length of the room.

On the way back, perform the same movement but rotating the other way, on your backside.

You’ll need to think about your landing and focus on your balance a bit more when doing this movement in reverse.


Animal Flow 1 (1)

Back at your starting position, stand tall and walk your hands forward into a high plank.

Keep your core nice and strong so your hips aren’t sinking down to the ground.

Push your hips back into downward facing dog. With your toes on the ground and the rest of your foot lifted, bend the knees down into a loaded beast position.

Animal Flow 1 (2)

Spring from your back legs, shifting your weight into your upper body, and land softly with your feet flat near your hands in a deep squat.

Repeat this movement to the end of the room.

Animal Flow 1 (3)

On the way back, reverse the movement.

Start in your deep squat with your hands on the ground.

Shift your weight into your upper body and kick your legs back into a high plank.

Push your hips back into downward facing dog and walk your hands back bringing you back into your deep squat position.

Animal Flow 1 (4)


Come down to your knees, sitting on your heels.

Bend your arms so they are at roughly 90-degrees at the elbow and compress/crunch through your core.

Bring your arms back behind your body then swing them forward.

Kneeling Jump to Squat (2)

Using that momentum from your upper body, as your torso rises, swing your legs out from underneath you, landing softly on flat feet in a squatted position.

Come back down onto your knees and repeat the moment.

Kneeling Jump to Squat (3)

On the way back do the same movement but with a quarter rotation, so when you jump up, land on your side, similar to a surf stance by looking towards the side you want to twist as you are jumping.

If you are feeling confident with that movement, try a 180-degree rotation, landing in the opposite direction.


Animal Flow 2 (1)

Back at the starting point, walk the hands forward into a high plank position, keeping your core strong.

Push your hips back into downward facing dog.

Animal Flow 2 (2)

Start to bend the elbows, lowering your whole upper body towards the floor like a pike push up.

From here, shift your weight forward, curving your spine and rolling into a cobra position, with your arms straight and chest lifted up toward the sky.

Animal Flow 2 (3)
Animal Flow 2 (4)

Lift your hips back up into a downward facing dog, compress your lower body into a loaded beast, spring off your back legs, shift your weight into your upper body and land softly with your feet near your hands in a squat position.

Repeat for one length of the room.

Animal Flow 2 (6)
Animal Flow 2 (7)
Animal Flow 2 (8)

Lift your hips back up into a downward facing dog, compress your lower body into a loaded beast, spring off your back legs, shift your weight into your upper body and land softly with your feet near your hands in a squat position.

Repeat for one length of the room.

Animal Flow 2 (8)

On the way back, follow the same series of movement, but this time add a pop up.

Animal Flow 2 (9)

On the way back, follow the same series of movement, but this time add a pop up.

Walk your hands forward into high plank. Push the hips back into a downward facing down.

Bend the elbows and lower the upper body curving the spine into a cobra.

Animal Flow 2 (10)
Animal Flow 2 (11)
Animal Flow 2 (12)

Push the hips back into a downward facing dog and then straighten up into a high plank.

Lower the body down to the ground slowly (come to your knees if you need to).

Take a couple of pretend paddles, keep the chest and chin up.

Place your hands flat, close to your chest.

Bring your knees through, landing softly in your side stance surf position, keep your body low and compressed.

The back foot will usually land first.

Animal Flow 2 (13)


bear crawls

Begin on your hands and knees with your back flat.

Look down so that your head is in line with your spine.

Curl your toes and lift your knees so they’re hovering just a few centimetres off the ground.

Move forward by moving your right hand and left leg forward and alternating sides in a slow crawling movement taking small steps and keeping your knees elevated on the way back.

Keep your core nice and tight to stop your hips from swinging.

Imagine you have a glass of water on your back, and you are trying not to spill it.

On the way back, do the exact same movement but backwards.

If you want to make things a little harder for yourself place something on your back such as a book.

Whenever it drops to the ground, do one push up.

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